Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Definitions, Integration, Approach, Research, and More

For centuries, medical cannabis has played a vital role in many health care procedures, even though modern medicine has shunned the benefits of this plant for decades. Lymphatic drainage therapy largely deals with de-clogging the buildup of certain fluids from body tissue and can help deliver massive relief. People suffering from several health issues with lymph buildup have lots to gain from this procedure.

In this article, we will look at lymphatic drainage therapy, types, its integration with medical cannabis towards healing, and so much more. All the information in this article gives you enough details to get the best results from a lymphatic drainage therapy.

For centuries, medical cannabis has played a vital role in many health care procedures, even though modern medicine has shunned the benefits of this plant for decades. Lymphatic drainage therapy largely deals with de-clogging the buildup of certain fluids from body tissue and can help deliver massive relief. People suffering from several health issues with lymph buildup have lots to gain from this procedure.

In this article, we will look at lymphatic drainage therapy, types, its integration with medical cannabis towards healing, and so much more. All the information in this article gives you enough details to get the best results from a lymphatic drainage therapy.

What is Lymphatic Drainage Therapy?

Lymphatic drainage therapy is a non-invasive procedure commonly applied to reduce swelling. The treatment becomes necessary when lymph nodesclog up due to symptoms of some health issues or reactions to certain procedures.

Lymphatic drainage therapy aims to treat lymphedema – a condition where lymphatic fluids collection into different areas of the body. The buildup of lymphatic fluid can lead to inflammation and other adverse effects over time.

With lymphatic drainage therapy, it becomes easy to improve the overall flow of these fluids to reduce pain and swelling. The therapy mostly works by direct skin massages on areas where there is no swelling. Such massages will create spaces for fluids to flow into from congested body parts.

Types of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Two main kinds of lymphatic drainage therapy exist – manual and simple lymphatic drainage therapy. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) relies on stimulation of the lymphatic system through hand movements adapted to reduce pain and swelling around affected areas.

Simple lymphatic drainage (SLD) is an advanced form of the MLD that acts to stretch swelling away from built-up areas. It doesn’t cover the affected area but sections around it to reduce pain and swelling.

Medical Cannabis and Lymphatic Drainage TherapyTowards Holistic Healing

Three forms of lymphatic therapy exist – nutritional, physical, and psychological. Lymphatic drainage therapy applies nutritional and physical approaches towards providing overall healing from issues caused by lymph buildup. Medical cannabis falls under the nutritional category as it is a medicinal plant with significant healing properties.

Other products used for physical therapy like cannabis-infused balms can also help improve the lymphatic flow throughout body tissues.

Medical Cannabis Integration in Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Integrating medical cannabis into any form of therapy should happen only after considering some essential factors. As discussed by Roberts (2018), some of these points are:

Current medication

Disclosure of current prescription medication is essential before integrating medical cannabis into lymphatic drainage therapy. Some over-the-counter (OTC) and other restricted medication could react adversely to medical cannabis.

Health history

The medical history of persons interested in such therapy should receive close consideration. Some persons could react negatively to the inclusion of cannabis-based products into lymphatic drainage therapy. Close consideration of the health profile of potential patients helps avoid side effects such people could experience upon exposure to such therapy.

Suitability to patients

Medical cannabis infused into different therapies may not be ideal for some patients. People qualified to engage medical cannabis in lymphatic drainage therapy must discuss the risks and rewards with potential receivers of such treatment.

The major points during such discussions should be dosing, concentration of active agents like cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol. Route of administration and timeline of use must also be part of such consultations.

Role of Cannabinoids in Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Cannabinoids in lymphatic drainage therapy can help in significant pain management. A study conducted by Whiting et. al., (2015) also revealed the efficacy of cannabis-based products towards pain relief.

Research/Clinical Trials of Cannabinoids and Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

There is no direct research or control trial in the public domain on cannabinoids and lymphatic drainage therapy. However, several studies have shown how medical-grade cannabis can help people dealing with lymphatic drainage issues.

Evidence Based Studies on Medical Cannabis and Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

A report authored by the DC Department of Health showed how medical cannabis can help treat fibromyalgia. The condition occurs as a combination of rheumatoid issues and causes several symptoms. Common symptoms linked to fibromyalgia are aches, stiffness, and swelling in some rate cases.

This study revealed its source of conclusion as a series of randomized control trials organized to confirm how effective cannabis can be in solving chronic pain conditions.

Another study by Lynch and Campbell (2011) also revealed a massive relief from pain symptoms after the administration of medical cannabis products. The study relied on control trials at random too and found 83% of participants reporting a better analgesic effect after using cannabis-based medication.

Who Should Use Medical Cannabis in Lymphatic Drainage Therapy?

Extensive research has shown how effective medical cannabis can be in treating different health issues. Evidence from these studies on the efficacy of cannabinoids is useful to align medical cannabis as a supportive treatment for lymphatic drainage therapy.

From the findings of these reports, it is evident that medical cannabis can be an effective addition to lymphatic drainage therapy to help:

People with cancer symptoms

Increased swelling and inflammation as a result of cancer can receive significant relief from medical cannabis. Painful growths could be easier to manage with correct administration of medical cannabis. There is ample research evidence to support the use of medical cannabis towards pain management.

Arthritis patients

People suffering from arthritis can receive significant relief from medical cannabis infused into their lymphatic drainage therapy. Arthritis can cause swelling and inflammation, and evidence abounds that medical cannabis can help provide relief against these problems.

People dealing with lipedema

Lipedema treatment is necessary when fat builds up in the body, especially in its lower regions. Application of lymphatic drainage therapy to solve this problem can help provide relief from its symptoms.

People dealing with fibromyalgia

The condition results in intense joint and muscle pain. Proper administration of cannabis-infused medication could help reduce the pains experienced while dealing with this condition.

Who Shouldn’t Use Medical Cannabis in Lymphatic Drainage Therapy?

Lymphatic drainage therapy with medical cannabis can be beneficial to the management of several health problems. However, it is essential to conduct the procedure after considering the health history of people interested in such treatment. Medical cannabis in lymphatic drainage therapy should not be a recommended procedure for:

  • People with heart conditions
  • Pregnant people
  • People suffering from kidney failure
  • Persons with a history of psychosis
  • People with blood clotting
  • Aged people on medication with high reactive potential
  • People with an infection

Lymphatic drainage therapy with cannabis-based products made for oral use should also not be available to drug abusers. People with a history of prescription drug abuse should not have access to cannabis-based products without close supervision.

Connect to Cannabryl for Expert Lymphatic Care and Therapy

Lymphatic drainage therapy with medical cannabis can be beneficial to the management of several health problems. However, it is essential to conduct the procedure after considering the health history of people interested in such treatment. Medical cannabis in lymphatic drainage therapy should not be a recommended procedure for:

  • People with heart conditions
  • Pregnant people
  • People suffering from kidney failure
  • Persons with a history of psychosis
  • People with blood clotting
  • Aged people on medication with high reactive potential
  • People with an infection

Lymphatic drainage therapy with cannabis-based products made for oral use should also not be available to drug abusers. People with a history of prescription drug abuse should not have access to cannabis-based products without close supervision.

Consultations for Effective Lymphatic Drainage and Medical Cannabis Therapy

Consult Cannabryl today and get the extensive list of products you need to get solutions towards effective lymphatic drainage therapy. You can link up with our experts to get the efficient treatment require to solve lymphatic issues with visible results.


Benedict, Sabbagh, and Conermann (2022) Medical Cannabis Used as an Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain Demonstrates Reduction in Chronic Opioid Use - A Prospective Study.Pain Physician. 2022 Jan;25(1): E113 - E119.

Roberts, S. (2018) Integrating the Medical and Cannabis Systems: A Mock Case Study; EnCann Solutions Staff Commentary; CPJ/RPC • April 2020 • VOL 153, No. 2

The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research,improves%20patient%2Dreported%20spasticity%20symptoms.

Zgair, A., Lee, J. B., Wong, C. M., Taha, A. D., Aram J.,Di Virgilio, D., McArthur, J. W., Cheng, Y-K., Hennig, I. M., Barrett, D. A., Fischer, P. M., Constantinescu, C. S.,& Gershkovich, P. (2017)Oral Administration of Cannabis with Lipids Leads to High Levels of Cannabinoids in the Intestinal Lymphatic System and Prominent Immunomodulation | 7: 14542 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15026-z

District of Columbia Department of Health (2017) Medical Cannabis Evidence on Efficacy (retrieved on October 5, 2023 from

Whiting, P. F., Wolff, R. F., Deshpande, S. Di Nisio, M., Duffy, S., Hernandez, A. V., Keurentjes, J. C., Lang, S., Misso, K., Ryder, S., Schmidlkofer, S., Westwood, M., Kleijnen, J. (2015) Cannabinoids for Medical Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, JAMA. 2015;313(24):2456-2473. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.6358